& Systems Health

We diagnose and intervene for teams or organisations of up to 200.

Often, we are engaged to address issues of dysfunctional work culture, diagnose emotional blocks within people dynamics, repair damaged trust, or correct misaligned goals within the system.

More importantly, we work with systems to create outcomes of healthy learning culture that are preventive of dysfunction. We design transformation strategies with these outcomes in mind, facilitate conversations on corporate values, support in resolving complex issues within a system, and help systems guard against toxic power dynamics. 

Diagnostic work often begins with the training and facilitation of common language amongst a diverse team. We follow up with the generation of data from each level of system within an organisation, inclusive of diagnosis of emotional sentiment, blocks in productivity, and insight into power or personality dyanmics. We iteratively read back the data to the system, working towards a strong and resonant prognosis.  

Intervention work and design is co-created with both leaders and middle management; with relevance, resonance and viability at the core of the design. We aim to always capacity-build leaders to sustain the work - and choose not to act on behalf of mandated and legitimate leadership. We do not believe in working harder than our clients - they must be willing to do the work. 

Both public and de-indentified case studies are available upon request. For enquiries and further clarifications