We will populate this offering over the year.

Here you will find our own repository of articles that have greatly benefitted us in our own understanding of humans and human systems - drawing from the field of OD. By December 2023, we will have uploaded new narrative, models and research from Asian and APAC based OD practitioners, along with offerings from the OD world's gold standard.

We hope you find clarity, healing and courage from the wisdom we share here.

24 Mar 2014 • By Mary Ann Rainey Tolbert and Jonno Hanafin
Use of Self in OD Consulting: What Matters is Presence

Even though the concepts use of self and presence are often used interchangeably, an important distinction is made. Presence is represented as an extension and higher-order use of self. The field of psychotherapy serves as the context for tracing the epistemological assumptions that support use of self. The aim is to create a better understanding of presence by defining it, explaining its significance, and sharing insights on how to cultivate and sustain it.

12 Aug 2007 • By Barry Oshry
Total System Power

Top, Middle, Bottom, and Customer are conditions all of us face in whatever position we occupy. What each of us can do in our multiple roles as Tops, Middles, Bottoms, and Customers to create a system with outstanding capacity to survive and develop?

30 Nov 2020 • By Nancy Amendt-Lyon, Dr. phil
How Can a Void Be Fertile? Implications of Friedlaender’s Creative Indifference for Gestalt Therapy Theory and Practice

If we are able to give up what is familiar to us, we may become anxious and uncertain, but then we can enter a “weighty world of nothingness” from which infinite and surprising differentiations can emerge. Experiencing this fertile void, or phase of pre-difference, is crucial to the creative process of change. Novel insights and realizations are generated, and we become aware of new meanings. This is the “middle mode,” in which we are both active and passive, both doer and done to.