leaders and teams
to do the work

We are a Singapore-based company that works as a consortium of OD practitioners, system designers and therapists to do the complex work of building organisational or system health.
We offer a comprehensive range of insightful diagnostic methods, adaptive interventions and programmes to address the collective challenges of adversity, diversity and complexity.
We are able to support the development of professional, community or family systems, and are skilled to work at each level of your system.
We believe that serving and working at the seams, between factions and groups that seem to be at odds with one another, is a calling for us. Whether in the context of Singapore or the broader region, we are prepared to bring our expertise in finding health, and innovation for our clients and partners struggling with organisational dilemmas and design.
Our People
Our consultants wear their success as well as failure. We are fully aware of personal faults and are willing to embrace these as part of our offering. Walking with any client into a new light, requires us to also understand the personal and organisational shadows that follow us.

How We Help
We seek to bring much needed discernment, wisdom and compassion into the systemic design, work processes and cultural patterns of organisations. While we believe that creating preventive and sustainable culture is best, we are also unafraid to work in periods of possible stress, fragmentation, or dysfunction within the system.

Principles behind
our diagnosis, design
& intervention work
We build common language in the systems that we work with to increase the ability for these systems align their understanding and agree upon issues coherently. Common language is achieved through training and teaching sessions in critical themes that impact most human systems. This builds clarity and coherence as an outcome.
For sustainability, we pride ourselves in building ownership and capability in the staff; we support their learning and growth in their own capacities - taking care not to develop unhealthy dependencies. At core, we are not here to perform just a consultancy service; but rather we build a critical mass of committed leaders within the system that can sustain the work.
Typically, we are attentive on perceptions of scarcity within the client systems. Not enough resource in time, finances, and energy have consequence. But scarcity of certainty, trust, power or agreement can be equally, if not more, devastating. We give care to restore abundance into our client systems.
In our period of training and development with our clients, we actively diagnose the level and extent of diversity within the system. This diagnostic helps our client appreciate power dynamics, polarities, and complexities within their system - which if not addressed can cause fragmentation.
Prototyping of intervention work is strategic, experiential and immersive - we work directly through practices and rituals that engender discernible change (rituals, symbols, practices, processes, meetings) over time; we want to cause felt values and mindsets that support sustainability of the transformation.
We work with a team of therapists and coaches that support emergent intrapersonal trauma that might need to be addressed outside of our system intervention but is regardless, attended to and acknowledged with care.